Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Why Let your Teen Study Abroad

Why Let your Teen Study Abroad

Encouraging your teen to join in a teen study abroad program will allow them to explore another country. Teen summer study abroad programs are a gift that will keep on giving. There are many benefits to studying abroad, such as Language immersion study for teens, exploring new cultures, and it looks good on a college application. Summer programs abroad for teens will allow your child a lifetime of experience and memories they may never get another chance to have.

Teenager study abroad programs allows your teen to travel to other countries, learn about other cultures which will help your child create their own identities, expand their worldviews, and develop leadership skills they would not get anywhere else. Your teen has the potential to join in study abroad programs for high school students and get firsthand experience on many cultures they study. Teens Abroad, a division of The National Registration Center for Study Abroad (NRCSA) is dedicated to serving the young adult community! The experiences and growth that teens have gained from their experiences during their study abroad with Teens Abroad have been life changing!

When your teen participates in
International summer camps or any youth study programs you can be assured they will be prepared for college by studying diverse studies. They will have gained the maturity and independence they need to succeed in any endeavor they take on. Youth study abroad programs encourage them to make new international friends with students of a similar age. They will learn to expand their horizons and see different perspectives while developing decision-making skills. While participating in teen study abroad programs your child may receive college credits for general electives.

Summer abroad programs offered by Teens Abroad are designed to immerse teens in new cultures, traditions & languages, music and art. Youth study abroad programs provides on-site staff to help your teen if they are having difficulty adjusting. The staffs follow strict guidelines and rules, and are certified in child administration. Study abroad programs guarantee your teen will be matched with the best teacher or family based on personal information. If your teen feels uncomfortable or is not getting along with their host family, they can relocate without any problems. Some teens that join in summer abroad programs may experience culture shock, academic challenges and even homesickness. All of the teen study abroad programs have policies and rules in place to make sure your teen has a healthy, safe and enjoyable study abroad experience.

Often times the way the
study abroad programs for teens work is this: The students live with a host family, who often have a child the same age. They will treat your child as one of their own and teach them language and culture information they won't get from a text-book. There are various high school study abroad programs that you can choose from and each program gives you a choice as to how long you can study abroad. Most of the Youth study programs range from a few weeks to two years. International youth programs offer a variety of host countries as well as a variety of host cities to choose from. If your teen wants to become fluent in a foreign language, they can choose to join in the Spanish Immersion summer camps in countries like Brazil, Spain, or Costa Rica or they can choose Language Immersion study for teens programs in Italy, France, UK, or China to name a few of the countries and experiences your teen will gain. Whether your teen wants to study abroad in France, study abroad in Spain, or study abroad in China, there is a program to suit your teens desires.

Parents may think letting their
teen study abroad will be too expensive. Many of the international youth programs and teenager study abroad programs focus on finding scholarships to help cover the extra costs of studying abroad, such as air travel, passports fees, and immunizations to name a few of the extras. The Staff at Teens Abroad are here to assist you with all the questions you may have regarding costs, requirements, and locations that their programs are offered in. Study abroad programs for teens target impoverished children for these scholarships as well as loans, grants, and fundraising ideas so they may benefit from experience without the financial burden to their families.

As we age the time for travel diminishes so while they are young encourage them to join in
International Summer Camps, Spanish Immersion summer camps, even join in any of the various summer programs abroad for teens. This is a chance for them to gain a lifetime of experience they won't get in a classroom. There are many study abroad programs for High School students or teen summer study abroad programs to choose from. This is definitely an experience your teen will cherish forever and shape them into leaders and explorer's we can be proud of.

For more information, contact Teens Abroad at 202) 338-5927 or toll free from the USA and Canada 888 678 6211. You can also visit their website at www.teensabroad.com and learn more about their program, their staff, and read testimonials from past students and parents.



Wednesday, April 23, 2014

International Youth Summer Camps

Why Study Abroad?

There are many reasons why people like to study abroad. Both young men and women find it to be fascinating to study in another culture and learn about the people while they are there. Many teen study abroad programs offer great experience for the ones that want to do it.

For a
teen summer study abroad program, many young people get to have the experience of their lifetimes. They use the study abroad programs to enrich what they are learning in their own country by accessing the studies of the people in another one. Using the teen study abroad programs can allow them to be in a safe and secured environment with chaperones, while they experience how other people live.

study abroad programs for teens are well orchestrated by their schools and teachers. When they use the teenager study abroad programs, they will develop great communication skills that will take them further into life when they get older.

With the
youth study abroad programs, the students use fund raising events to get the money for their transportation. The school works with them to make it affordable so it is a trip well taken. It also allows them use the experience as credit in the school taking the place of a class that they might not have wanted to take.

International youth programs offer some of the unique ways of interacting with other people. They study while they are abroad, and they also get to visit the many attractions and sights in the area that they are visiting. This gives them a well - rounded experience about the region.

language immersion study for teens is important. They are briefed in the necessity of speaking in the language of the area they are visiting. As they meet people from the area, they are better able to understand that language and in many cases, they can speak it better too.

summer abroad programs also give students three months in another area. This is an extended period of time where the students can develop many friendships that can last a lifetime. They write about their experiences and give reports when they return back to the states. It is a unique time for them and one that they will never forget.

Taking a
semester at sea is another way that students can boost their educational experiences. Since this is an unusual way to learn, they will receive a lot of training before they embark on their trip. All steps are taken to assure that they will be safe while they are traveling the seas. Many parents approve of the program because they are able to keep in touch with their child at all times. They know that they will be safe while they are traveling, and they feel that the time that they spend out there will give them quite a bit to talk about when they are older.

Taking advantage of the
summer camp programs abroad for teens is something that schools are talking more about on a regular basis. They are able to educate the parents and community on the importance of these types of international summer camps.  As the awareness of the importance of these international summer camp programs increases, parents are researching teen study abroad programs more and more. It is important that parents research the companies who offer these programs and find one with a good name, experienced staff, and variety of countries to select from. As parents and teens discuss where they want to go, they should schedule time with the staff to ask questions about the summer camp abroad programs so that parents and teens will be educated about all the options that are available to their teens. As Spanish immersion summer camps grow in popularity, more parents will talk to their friends and family about the positive aspects of taking advantage of the benefits that will occur for their children too when they take part in the opportunities that exist.

Studying abroad is a popular way for many people to learn about other cultures, and they will be using this in a more important way in the future. There are many reasons why they want students to become familiar with other cultures and languages. One of them is that the world has become a lot closer to everyone via the Internet, and the students will be able to communicate with a variety of people in the future to use to their advantage.

To learn more about Spanish immersion summer camps, international summer camps, and summer study abroad programs for teens, contact the name that people trust, Teens Abroad. You can visit their website at www.teensabroad.com and view pictures of the countries that your teens can travel to, learn about their staff, and read testimonials from students and parents about their experiences. To speak with a staff member at Teens Abroad, call 202) 338-5927 or toll free from the USA and Canada 888 678 6211.


Wednesday, April 16, 2014

High School Students Studying Abroad

Is your child/children in high school? Does he/she have a fascination with other cultures? Does he/she know or want to learn another language? If, you answered yes to any of these questions, you may want to look into enrolling your teen in a study abroad program for high school students. Most high school offer some sort of study abroad program. There are different requirement for distinctive programs. Check with your child's guidance councilor for details on what teens study abroad programs the high school offers.

If, your child's school doesn't offer any
summer study abroad programs, try calling a reputable organization such as Teens Abroad, a division of the National Registration Center for Study Abroad (NRCSA) dedicated to serving the young adult community!. Many places offer summer programs abroad for teens. You are bound to find something that is just right for your child. They use a few of these suggestions for the search engine; teen study abroad, teen summer study abroad, teenager study abroad programs, youth study abroad programs, international youth programs, or language immersion study for teens.
Finding the right
summer abroad program or international summer camp that suits the needs of your particular situation, whether it is a specific country your teen wishes to study abroad in, the flexibility of dates, or the experience of the staff, you will certainly find the right program after researching study abroad programs, learning about their credentials, and reading testimonials from past students and their parents. International youth camps and Spanish immersion camps are a source of rich cultural experiences as well as a place to earn academic credit and have added interests and experiences to a college application. Participating in a study abroad program for high school students also make you stand out above the other college application and shows you are one who is serious about your education in addition to being a well rounded individual.

There are many advantages associated with participating in a high school
international youth program. Teenager study abroad camps can bring many great life lessons to the high-school student who will help them throughout their whole lives.

More adults are choosing to go to college later in life. We are seeing many more high-school students wanting to go to college, right after graduation. All of this competition means colleges are getting harder to get into. College admission panels are looking for those students who stand out from the rest of the crowd. They are looking for people who did more than, the bare minimum in high school.
Studying abroad could be the determining factor in your child getting into the college of their choice.

studying abroad, your teen will be around people who speak a different language. Being around this daily will help your teen understand a brand new language much better. They will pick up the brand new language faster because they have to use it all the time. They will be about to use this new tool through their lifetime.

international youth camps and summer study abroad programs, your teen will learn about a different culture. They will be capable to experience new traditions and learn fresh skills. They will be capable to see the world through a different person's eyes. They will learn to better respect people who are unlike them. All of these study abroad experiences will help them in many aspects of their lives and be a great asset in the business world.

Most people never even get to leave their hometown, yet alone travel to another country. What a wonderful adventure your teen will go on if, they utilize even one of the
teen study abroad programs that are offered by organizations such as Teen Abroad. They will be able to explore the world at a young age. Summer programs abroad for teens give your teenager an adventure they will hold in their hearts for the rest of their lives.

There are many amazing things for a teenager to experience and discover if, they have the opportunity to utilize anyone of the
teenager study abroad programs that are out there. It will enrich your teen’s life in so many ways. They will learn many life lessons that they will be able to apply in every aspect of their lives. If you enroll your teenager in any one of the many youth study abroad programs that are out there, they will come out of it a better person. You will change their way of thinking for the better. You will be giving your teen the gift of a lifetime if, you enroll them in one of Teens Abroad international youth camps or language immersion camps, including their very popular Spanish immersion summer camp. Visit their website at www.teensabroad.com or contact them at (202) 338-5927 or toll free from the USA and Canada 888 678 6211.


Benefits of Studying Abroad for Youth

When the opportunities arise for youth or teens to enter study abroad programs, it is time for the parents and teachers to consider what is best for the child and what they could possibly gain from studying abroad. Do the benefits outweigh the costs, and is this something that would be best for the child in the long run?

One of the greatest benefits of
summer programs abroad for teens, or other teenager studying abroad opportunities, is the chance for youth to learn about a new culture. It is important for all of us to learn more about the world around us, and the way that people live in other cultures, and the teen years are a great time for children to do just that. Through teenager study abroad programs, your child gets the opportunity to really see the world around him or her, and to realize that their life here isn't necessarily the only way to live. It is easiest for a person to truly embrace a new culture when they are living right in it, and that is one of the reasons why summer study abroad programs, Spanish immersion summer camps, and international youth summer camps can be a great thing.

Another benefit of
youth study abroad programs is the opportunity for teens to practice a new language that they have learned. Through language immersion study for teens, your youth can practice their secondary language with the people who actually speak that language as their first. Your youth will be given the opportunity to use that language as they order from restaurants or shop at markets. They will be able to practice the language in a real, live environment while they study abroad.

One more benefit of
youth study abroad programs is the fact that they keep teens interested in school. A semester at sea, for instance, can be all that it takes to get a youth re-energized and fully dedicated to their schoolwork. Teen summer study abroad programs can encourage a child to do their best in the upcoming semester and school year, and in the remainder of their education. International youth programs might even lead to a child deciding to spend even more time overseas in the future. You just never know all the good that can come from your teen studying abroad.

Teens Abroad has been the leader in
youth study abroad and teen study abroad programs for years. For those parents considering this option, it is wise to get started with your research early, deciding where your teen would like to go, and the costs of sending your teen to study abroad. The benefits are great, and you will want to set aside the money you would perhaps use for a quick vacation, and put it towards a rewarding study abroad experience for your high school student. Teens Abroad staff is able to help you sort through all the requirements and costs involved when you are thinking of sending your teen to study abroad. Among the costs to set aside for are money to fly the child to another country, and the money to support them while they are learning, too. There will also be extra expenses, such as new clothes for the trip, souvenirs, etc. While international summer camps and a study abroad program for teens can be very educational and fun, and might be just the thing for your teen, you will definitely need to create a budget for the expenses that it will incur.

You should have a discussion with your teen as well to make sure they are ready to make the commitment needed to study in another country as part of a
Spanish immersion summer camp or an international youth summer camp.  Parents should be prepared to have your teen away from you for the summer as well, but know that they are just a phone call away. Your teenager may still feel like a child to you, but parents realize this is a great learning opportunity and time of growth for their teen, and see this as an opportunity to have this experience.

Overall, there are many great benefits to international youth programs and international summer camps. Consider all of the above, talk things over with the student, and see where it all leads. Teens Abroad has experienced staff on hand to discuss all your questions, and their website, www.teensabroad.com has testimonials from parents and students sharing the great benefits received while studying abroad. When the time is right and if you teen express an interest in participating in a summer study abroad program, call Teens Abroad at (202) 338-5927 or toll free from the USA and Canada 888 678 6211.


Monday, April 14, 2014

Teens Earn Credit Studying Abroad

Teens Earn Credit Studying Abroad

Parents want to make sure they're placing they're teen in the right youth study abroad program. Although learning French, Spanish, Latin, or Hebrew in high school is a good start, summer programs abroad for teens allow students to become totally immersed in the environment around them, which encourages them to adapt to speech in a foreign country.

This works as a catalyst to propel them into broader learning. A standard component of a summer abroad programs language curriculum, whether
international youth programs, youth study abroad programs, study abroad programs for teens, or just a study abroad programs in general, is a speech participation requirement. Each student must practice speaking for a designated portion of time to assist with the pronunciation of words, and to help form sentences in the language of choice. Language immersion study for teens in these teenager study abroad programs will assist them in getting a higher degree of understanding that in a local curriculum could take years for them to attain. Teens Abroad has been helping teens make these dreams a reality and gives teens the opportunity to experience so much more than you would ever gain by just being a tourist on a quick trip. Rather, while participating in their teen study abroad programs, teenagers and youth are able to cultivate friendships, and gain an understanding of another country by living other people's language, culture, customs

Questions to think about when choosing which teen
study abroad programs to consider are: Does your child want to enter into one of the summer abroad study programs primarily to spend a few months away in a foreign country? Or are they attempting to do either, a semester at sea, or a language immersion study for teens, more-so in order to get academic credit? Or are they simply trying to improve their language skills in one of the summer programs abroad for teens? Answers to these questions will assist you in selecting which international youth program you want.

Some students study more than one language in high school, or simply desire to learn an entirely new language once they’ve entered the specific
teen study abroad program of their choice. So searching through the teen summer study abroad programs to pick out the best locations, is key to getting your teen in the country or region of that particular country that is more to their liking.

When your adolescent decides to participate in one of the many
teen study abroad programs, the study abroad program high school students are able to use their tenure in the program, as academic credit through studies abroad for college. There are a lot of programs to choose from, but the one that we’ve selected to use as an example of how international youth programs work, is the program sponsored by Teens Abroad, a division of, NRSCA. Over 300 US universities have formal programs with foreign schools in the NRCSA Consortium. Most focus on foreign language immersion training and area studies. Others specialize in business, education, art, etc.are able to learn foreign languages first hand in a university-certified teen summer study abroad program, and it has destinations in Rome, Italy, Paris, France, Barcelona Spain, Malaga, Madrid, Vienna Austria, Berlin, Germany, Costa Rica, Montreal Canada, Athens Greece, and Tokyo.

Although these
youth study abroad programs are great for opening the doors of opportunity for your son or daughter, there are other benefits that are more close to the heart, that they’ll benefit from too. This experience will possibly be your teens first time living outside of the home. Whether doing a semester at sea, participating in a summer abroad program during the summer, or another study abroad program during an in-school-time semester in an international youth study program of some sort, this can help them to know what it feels like to live as an independent person.

An experience like this can give your youth a head up as it pertains to international trade of any kind that they may want to take part in after college. It’ll also give them first-hand knowledge about what it’ll feel like interacting with business contacts face to face. This may be the difference between whether the student wants to work with the public in an international employ position, or behind the scenes in a duty like a technical position.

Studying abroad, teen study abroad, study abroad programs, study abroad programs for teens, teenager study abroad programs, and summer abroad programs, all have one goal in mind…a better future for your teen in the vast arena of the world. Studying abroad can open up doors to life-long friendships and other cultures, which is better than any book can ever depict.

To learn more about Teens Abroad and research the many different countries that are available through their youth international studies, visit www.teensabroad.com. You can also call them directly to speak with one of their experienced staff members who can answer any questions or concerns you may have about their programs. Call Teens Abroad at (202) 338-5927 or toll free from the USA and Canada 888 678 6211.


Studying Abroad

Are you tired of doing the same routine day in and day out? Are you looking for a change of pace in your daily life? Maybe you are a student who has always dreamed of doing a semester at sea? Or maybe you have always been interested in studying abroad? Well in today's day and age, it’s never been easier to get into a teen summer study abroad program. There are so many summer programs abroad for teens that you can be on your way to Grenada in no time! There are plenty of different teenager study abroad programs to choose from such as; international youth programs, semester at sea programs, language immersion study for teens programs, and plenty of other teen summer study abroad programs. Study abroad programs can give you an experience of a lifetime. Countless of teens have praised of the endless amount of memories, friends and great experiences they had participating in youth study abroad programs. There are numerous benefits for participating in a teen study abroad program. Study abroad programs for teens, allows students to travel into many different parts of the world from Asia, Africa, Europe, and even Australia you will be living it up in the land down under and getting a quality education as well. You will make connections that you never would have made living at home. These connections will help you get better jobs; the experience in general will be looked highly on in job interviews. Summer abroad programs give you a summer vacation and let you learn at the same time. Studying at home can be very boring, stressful, and repetitive. Having a change in scenery can benefit you in many ways, including your health. If you are looking to learn a new language, maybe your major/degree is for a particular language or history of a different culture, well looking into language immersion study for teens or international youth programs maybe exactly what you’re looking for. Teen study abroad programs are something that every teenager should tryout; it’s an experience of a lifetime which was not as easily possible as it is today. It’s time to take charge of your life and enjoy every second you can by joining youth study abroad programs, summer abroad programs, teenager study abroad programs, international youth study programs, a semester at sea programs, or a language immersion study for teens program. Study abroad programs for teens and studying abroad in general are the most satisfying way to get the education you want. You don’t have to be gone for a long time either, everyone gets a little homesick so summer programs abroad for teens will let you be back home in time for the holidays, but you'll be bringing back more than just presents, because teenager study abroad programs will change you forever. You will learn many new skills that will help you in the real world, skills that you can only learn by being a part of a new and diverse culture while participating in study abroad programs. Teens studying abroad will have more advantage than teens that stay here and do nothing in the real world. I personally have participated in a study abroad program to my homeland. You can rest assured that your teen will have a rewarding and educational experience when you select a reputable company such as Teens Abroad, a division of The National Registration Center for Study Abroad (NRCSA) dedicated to serving the young adult community! This company has been helping parents through the process and providing life changing experiences to youth and teens for years. You won’t have to worry about being alone because there will be other students just like you to keep you company. It’s a great learning experience and I would recommend it to anyone if you haven’t tried it. To all of your parents, let you teenager study abroad, it will give him the experience of a lifetime. It’s not as expensive as you would imagine and there are short term and long term programs available for you to choose from. Overall I think the experience was great, I learned a lot, enjoyed a quality education, and have memories that will last me forever.

To learn more about the many countries your teen can select from when choosing to study abroad, and to learn more about Teens Abroad, their staff, and view photos and testimonials, contact Teens Abroad at (202) 338-5927 or toll free from the USA and Canada 888 678 6211 or visit their website at www.teensabroad.com today! Make this summer or semester one your teen will never forget!


Monday, April 7, 2014

Study Abroad Programs for Teens

In some high schools and the majority of colleges, there are study abroad programs. These teen study abroad programs allow a student to visit another country and earn credits cowards their degree, all while experiencing a new culture and way of life. One of the very best ways people are able to expand their vision and the way they interact with others is through the help of visiting these other countries. A teen study abroad program is going to help these young people learn so much more than just what is found in the text books. They can learn more about themselves and how they fit into what the rest of the world has to offer.

When a
teen study abroad offering comes up, it is important for the teen and their parents to look into the different options that are available and how these classes are able to help them out. Usually, the teen summer study abroad program is going to take place after the regular school year. This way, they are able to take a reduce amount of classes while studying abroad. It is important for a teen who is studying abroad to not have the same extensive number of classes because they also need to experience the culture around them. That is the entire point of taking part in the teen summer study abroad program. Without this ability, they are going to just be in their dorm room the entire time and lose out on a great opportunity to learn about these other cultures. While studying abroad, the summer programs abroad for teens offer a large number of potential class options available.

Generally, the
teen study abroad programs are going to not only go towards the student's major, but it is also going to relate with the culture where the student is visiting. This way, the semester at sea can help the student utilize their knowledge in a foreign field, which is very important. The teen study abroad programs are going to give the students the ability to interact with these new cultures, and this is extremely desirable for a student who eventually applies for future employment.

An employer wants to know that a potential job applicant is able to adapt to their surroundings and integrate what they know with the new location. The
study abroad programs for teens are going to do just this. With the study abroad programs for teens, the student learns how to take their current knowledge from their education and use it in the new country. With so many different locations available for the teenager study abroad programs, the semester at sea is going to truly transform the student into someone that is much more adapt to evolving when necessary.

One of the major perks regarding the
teenager study abroad programs though is not learning how to incorporate their current knowledge with the new location, but simply seeing how people live in these new countries. For many teenagers who are taking part in the summer programs abroad for teens, this is their first time out of the country and seeing people who live differently. This helps break the shell of a close minded person as it opens them up to new possibilities and ways of life. If only everyone could take part in the youth study abroad programs they could actually obtain a far better grasp on the world and what goes on around them. Far too many people develop opinions of people they never have met and judge a way of life that they have never experienced. The youth study abroad programs can help with this.

Teens Abroad has been providing youth and teens the ability to study abroad for years. They are recognized as one of the top study abroad programs and their experienced staff will help parents understand their youth study abroad programs and give parents the insight into which program fits their teen the best. The different international youth programs are going to vary in location, and it often depends on the school the teen is already attending. The international youth programs can range from traveling over to Europe to Asia, Africa and anywhere else in the world. It really comes down to the school and the connection the institution has with other locations around the world. Many of these new locations are going to provide language immersion study for teens. For anyone who is learning a new language, the language immersion study for teens is one of the very best options out there. There really is no better way to learn a language than to be amongst the people who speak it on a daily basis.

Summer abroad programs for teens are great for students, no matter their age, as these summer abroad programs are going to teach them about new cultures and open their minds. Contact Teens Abroad by calling 202 338-5927, or toll free from the USA and Canada 888 678 6211. You can also learn more by visiting their website at www.teensabroad.com


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Experiences of Studying Abroad Programs for Teenagers

The Wonderful Experiences of Studying Abroad Programs for Teenagers

As a child grows into adulthood, most parents agree that exposing them to a wide variety of culture helps them to be more mature, have a more broad view of the world, and be better people. Certainly adding culture to a teenager's world better prepares them to be adults that have more to contribute to society in contrast to children who grow up without having exposure to culture and diversity.

This is one of the reasons why
study abroad programs for teens were created. International youth programs such as teenager study abroad programs help to broaden the minds of youth, and open them up to different worlds and new perspectives. While many parents agree that international youth programs are essential to youth, many are unfamiliar with what types of programs are available and the many benefits there are in programs such as study abroad programs for teens. The great news for parents who are considering summer abroad programs for their teenagers is that in addition to the cultural experience and wider life perspective that is gained, often there is an aspect of language immersion study for teens as well. While this is not always the case, studying abroad in many countries does offer a great opportunity for language immersion study for teens as well. For students who have studied a particular language in High School, advancing their foreign language skills and applying their knowledge hands on can be an enriching and fun experience that can last a lifetime.

Many parents who show interest in the
teen study abroad programs have many questions about when their child would travel, who would their child stay with, how long the study abroad program lasts, and what does their child require to be a part of the youth study abroad programs. While these programs can vary, there are many youth study abroad programs designed specifically to be teen summer study abroad programs. Summer programs abroad for teens offers the perfect opportunity for evolving youth to experience another culture when they typically would be on summer break. This is the perfect time for summer abroad programs for a whole host of reasons. It is often perfect weather conditions, there is more of an openness of families to host students, and there is no losses of school work at home in areas that may be critical to their graduation.

Another major question about
teen summer study abroad programs is what countries are involved in teen study abroad programs. Candidly, there are many, many countries that participate in teen study abroad program opportunities. Study abroad programs can include traveling to any of a variety of other countries or spending a semester at sea. However, the semester at sea is more of a limited opportunity program and does require more of heartiness; it can be a great program for students who love the sea. Truly, there is no one size fits all study abroad programs. The teen study abroad experience can be created and individualized in a variety of ways so parents that are interested in having their child study abroad should research all the options available for their child so they and their child can choose what is best for them.

Most teenage youth that participate in
studying abroad, do so for the challenges that can be provided to them and the ability to experience one of the most memorable and growing challenges of their youth. For most students who participate in teenager study abroad programs the experience can profoundly affect their life in so many positive ways and offer them memories and educational enrichment that strongly affects their world views and their maturity level.

If you are interested in
summer programs abroad for teens for your child, the opportunities abound and can be quite diverse. Many European countries participate in these programs and they are very popular. Additionally, there are many other Mediterranean countries and some far eastern countries that participate in study abroad programs. There are a host of requirements that students need in order to travel abroad, including obtaining a legal U.S. passport and in some cases a temporary visa. However, youth study abroad program facilitators can help parents and students to better understand and meet all the requirements necessary to participate in this highly educational, enriching and fun experience. For students who are unfamiliar with the foreign language of the country they are traveling to, many host families do have some ability to speak English to help students whom they host to feel a little more at ease. This also can help students to more readily pick up a foreign language through their host family.

To learn more about the study abroad programs available for your teen, visit www.teensabroad.com or call Teens Abroad at 202) 338-5927 or toll free from the USA and Canada 888 678 6211. Teens Abroad is a division of a division of The National Registration Center for Study Abroad (NRCSA) dedicated to serving the young adult community!